Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!

Imagination Celebration

Lew-E and Oogly are taking over our library Facebook Page! Since it’s impossible to stop a hilarious duo like Oogly and Lew-E, we’re letting them do it on Wednesday, June 3rd at 2 pm. Be ready to watch the show on your favorite computer or device. They both went deep into their bag of tricks to create a world of FUNNY and Imaginative things. There will be Juggling, Magic, Music, Mayhem, and much more! Plan to be with us to enjoy this Facebook Live Event. Since we can’t stop these two on their funny mission, we might as well enjoy it. See them Wednesday, June 3rd at 2 pm on the Abbeville Memorial Facebook Page!

Summer Reading 2020

Our Summer Reading Program Presentations because of the COVID-19 Pandemic will all be online in a virtual format. We will be posting more information on our Facebook Page, on the Website and in the Abbeville Herald.

Memorial Day 2020

On Monday 25th May we will be observing Memorial Day. We will not be answering phones or e-mails.


Abbeville Memorial Library continues to diligently support each other during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are proud to not only serve this community but to call ourselves part of it. While still closed to the public without a set date to reopen, we at Abbeville Memorial Library remain here to help however we can.
Our library offers many online resources, including homework help, job search help, and links for filing FAFSA, disability, and social security forms as well as an extensive online catalog. To access our online catalog, go to our Website Homepage (abbevillelibrary.org), and click on “Online Catalog.” under our logo. On the left side of the screen, you can also click the “AlabamaVirtual Library” for further resources and reading options. Wi-Fi is still available outside of our building, but keep in mind that the library is not open to the public at this time. We will still answer your calls, and you can dropoff materials in the night deposit box at the front of the library. Social distancing and handwashing remain the best defense from spreading the virus, and face masks are suggested for all public contact. Continue stay-at-home measures, though we understand how frustrating cabin fever can be! Consider the at-risk members of our community and remember that this will all be over one day. Staying at home now will help us reopen that much sooner.
Take care of each other as you can and work together to assure the long, healthy lives of all the residents of our great community and the beautiful town of Abbeville! Keep checking our Facebook page for updates, and we welcome any questions or comments you may have.

Instant Digital Cards

Abbeville Memorial Library in co-operation with Overdrive is making it easy for you to get an Instant Digital Library card to access our E-books online. You do not have to be a member of the Library to use this valuable resource. Use your mobile phone number, and it will verify that you are living in our surrounding area. For instructions click on the following link:   https://camellia.overdrive.com/account/ozone/sign-in


We at the Abbeville Memorial Library continue to serve our community and wish for the best outcome for the people of our great area.  We are still closed to the public but offering Wi-fi connection outside of our building if needed.  The situation remains closely monitored, and we here at the library want to express the importance of continued diligence at this time.  Social distancing stops the spread of the virus, and everyone should do their part to consider the health and well-being of our high-risk community members.

We all do our part to aid each other. We have already posted on our Facebook page a lot of free online resources. Resources for up to date, and accurate, information about the pandemic are best available through the Alabama Department of Public Health website (https://www.alabamapublichealth.gov/index.html).  While we know it is not possible for everyone, staying at home and avoiding any unnecessary public exposure is essential:  you do not have to show symptoms to transmit the virus.  Please be considerate of each other, and we know these are challenging times!

We are living through a historic moment, and we know that this community will do everything in its power to prove to be an example for those around them. 

Library Closed to the Public

Operating Hours

9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm

Computers shut down 20 minutes before closing.

Library Board Trustees

Catherine Killebrew (Chair)
Maribeth Bedsole
Willadean Hall
Gayle Thomas
Lindsay Rane Carter