Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!
Ms. Annie Mobley Day
On Tuesday, April 9th we had a special day here at the library. Not only was it Library Workers Appreciation Day (as part of the National Library Week celebrations), but it was a special day for a particular member of our Staff. Ms. Annie Mobley was celebrating her 30th year here at the library. To help celebrate we had cake and refreshments. On behalf of the City and Staff Ms. Annie was presented with a clock by Director Paul McNamara, and with a faux book presented by Library Board Chair Ms. Catherine Killebrew. Ms. Annie is not retiring, and she hopes to provide the patrons of our library with the dedication and concern she has always given.

Friends of the Library
The purpose of the Friends of the library group is to organize, encourage and strengthen public support for our library. They do this by engaging in a variety of activities from raising money for the new book fund by organizing used book sales, lobbying for increased state and local funding and improvement of existing facilities, and by funding special needs of the library such as the Summer Reading P
Join the Friends and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you are supporting one of our communities greatest assets. Your membership (Apr 1 – Mar 31) sends the clear message that you are wanting to champion the cause of maintaining a library system second to none.
Stop by the library and pick up a membership application.

Ms. Annie Mobley Day

For more information about National Library Week click on the link below:
State Tax Forms 2018