Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!

Open House at the Library

Alabama 200 Bicentennial

As part of Alabama Bicentennial celebrations, the Alabama Passport Project is designed to be a be a guide to Alabama’s historic places in each of Alabama’s 67 counties. Abbeville Memorial Library is the official stamp site for Henry County. The 174 page PastPort is available to the public here at the library for $10 or you can download a free interactive mobile app. To find out more information on this subject please click on the link below.
To find out more information on the 200 Alabama Bicentennial go to:


Library Board Meeting

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Abbeville Memorial Library Board will be held on Thursday, March 15th  at 1 pm in the Alliegene Edwards Farmer meeting room inside the library. As always the meeting is open to the Public.

President’s Day Holiday

Brent Vernon & Sam

Brent Vernon is a children’s author-illustrator, ventriloquist, and touring singer-songwriter based in South Florida. His performance schedule has taken him to Ireland, Canada, Australia, the Caribbean, and forty-nine of the fifty United States of America. (Kid Friendly)

Black History Month

During February, not only will we be celebrating Black History Month, but we will be hosting a special exhibition here at Abbeville Memorial Library.  Ms. Willadean Hall has kindly loaned us some of her extensive collection of photographs remembering Henry County Training School. This school was opened in 1917 and for 53 years served as the principal educational center for black citizens of Henry County. Come by the library to view this unique collection.

It’s Tax Time (what already?)

Yes, it is that time of the year again. “Tax Time”. To learn more about how to file online for free go to this IRS website to find out more https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free

We have some basic tax forms here at the library (1040,1040A, 1040EZ). We do not have the instruction booklets to help fill them out as you can get them online at https://www.irs.gov/

We do not offer free tax help here at the library. If you are interested in finding help locally, click on the following link: https://irs.treasury.gov/freetaxprep/jsp/vita.jsp?zip=36310&lat=31.5852054&lng=-85.23084140000003&radius=50

Operating Hours

9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm

Computers shut down 20 minutes before closing.

Library Board Trustees

Catherine Killebrew (Chair)
Maribeth Bedsole
Willadean Hall
Gayle Thomas
Lindsay Rane Carter