Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!
Medicare Made Clear
On Tuesday, October 17th and Tuesday, November 14th, Terry Kirkland and Kevin Bravo from UnitedHealthcare will be here at the library. They will discuss the ins and outs of Medicare and information on the insurance options available to individuals. The program will be from 1 pm – 3 pm on each of those days. For more information from UnitedHealthcare click on the link below.
Military Child Education
I know that we have some Military families in our area. Here is a good website with lots of good information. http://www.militarychild.org
Solar Eclipse Viewing Event August 21st 2017
On Monday, August 21st, 2017 we had Ms. Sandy Armstrong from Wiregrass Math, Science, and Technology Leadership Academy do a series of presentations before our Solar Eclipse viewing here at the library. We had over 300 people to attend and the weather (except for a short period of time) cooperated during the afternoon. For more pictures visit our Facebook page.
Solar Eclipse Viewing Event
As you no doubt know we are holding a Solar Eclipse Viewing event here at the library on Monday, August 21st. Starting at 11:30 am we will have Ms. Sandy Armstrong from Wiregrass Math, Science, and Technology Leadership Academy giving a presentation about the Eclipse, why it happens, and how to safely view it. The presentation will be presented in our meeting room here at the library. We have a very limited amount of viewing glasses available and they will be distributed on the day of the event. We do not have anymore FREE glass to give out. All children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult who will be responsible for them.
Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses
Libraries Hosting Eclipse Events
Since it was announced that public libraries were distributing free eclipse glasses, they have been overwhelmed with requests via email, phone and in-person. Most libraries have already given away their allotment of glasses. For those libraries that still have eclipse glasses, please be aware that these are intended for their eclipse programming events ONLY and not for general distribution to the public.
Summer Reading Program Winners
Congratulations to all our winners in the Summer Reading Program.
5-8 years old age group
1st Brandy Sauls
2nd Lily Johnson
2nd Evie Fortson
3rd Kaitlyn Murphy
9-12 years old age group
1st Gracie Johnson
2nd Amber Murphy
2nd Ella Johnson
3rd Trevor Murphy.
If the children’s parents or guardian could bring them by the library on Tuesday 1st or Wednesday 2nd of August to collect their prizes and to get a photograph taken.
Well done to all who participated in the reading program