Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!

Summer Reading Program

Our Summer Reading Program begins this Wednesday 10 am at the Boys & Girls Club Gymnasium on Phillips Street. Don’t forget to register for the reading competition either at the event or come by the library to pick up a form. The first event will have lots of animals in it. We hope to see you there

Great American Eclipse 2017

There are only 89 days left before the Total Eclipse of the Sun. We will have about 90% totality here in Abbeville which will be viewable here at the library. (Weather permitting of course.)For more information click on: Great American Eclipse 2017

Memorial Day May 29th 2017

Abbeville Memorial Library will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
On this day remember those who paid the ultimate price so that we can enjoy our Freedom.

Your library isn’t just about paper books anymore!

I bet you didn’t know that you could download E-books, audiobooks, and even streaming video through Overdrive. Click on E-books and follow the instructions.

Great American Eclipse 2017

For more information about the upcoming Solar Eclipse on August 21st, 2017. Click on the link below.


Summer Reading Program 2017

 Abbeville Memorial Library will be having presentations for its Summer Reading Program at the Boys & Girls Club Gymnasium on Phillips Street, Abbeville. The first event will be held on Wednesday, June 7th at 10 am. The theme this year is “Build a Better World” We will be holding registration the last 2 weeks of May and anyone planning to let their child attend will have to fill out the form. The program is a not just about the presentations but is also about keeping the children reading through the summer. We are hoping to have a lot more children filling out their reading logs in order to win some nice prizes. There will be 2 age groups: 5 -8 years, and 9 – 12 years. For more information, you can call us at 334-585-2818.

Pre-school Story Time

Abbeville Memorial Library is excited to announce our newest partnership with  SalibaCentersHIPPYProgram. Each Monday in May HIPPY will be holding a FREE Preschool Storytime from 2:30-3:00. There will be a story and a craft designed for children ages 2-6. Supplies are limited and will be available on a first come basis.
Click on the link to be taken to their Facebook page for more information.


Operating Hours

9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm

Computers shut down 20 minutes before closing.

Library Board Trustees

Catherine Killebrew (Chair)
Maribeth Bedsole
Willadean Hall
Gayle Thomas
Lindsay Rane Carter