Welcome to the Abbeville Memorial Library Website!

National Library Workers Day

April 9 – 15 was National Library Week. In celebration of National Library Workers Day, Friends of the Library treated the ladies to lunch. Pictured are Ms. Annie Mobley, Ms. De’shonique Lawrence, and Ms. Virginia Jones. The staff would like to thank the Friends of the Library.

FOL Book Sale

On Thursday, April 13th & Friday, April 14th we will be having a book sale here at the library. Why don’t you stop by and have a look at the used books we have on sale. Most of them are library discards and some are like new. All the books will be clearly marked with a price. Hope to see you here. 

National Library Week

 April 9th – 15th is National Library week. This national observance was first sponsored  by the American Library Association (ALA) in 1958. Libraries all across the country will be celebrating the contributions of libraries, librarians, and all library staff to promote library use and support. Why don’t you come by and see what your library has to offer you. Tuesday April 12th is National Library Workers Day,  a day for everyone to recognize your own library workers. For more information about National Library Week click on the link: http://www.ilovelibraries.org/national-library-week


Contacting your elected officials.

Here is an easy way to contact your elected officials about the proposed FY2018 Federal Budget Cuts. Click on the link below.

FY 2018 Federal Budget Cuts

Not everyone has heard about the proposed federal budget calls for the elimination of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the grant program, the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Public and school libraries and cultural institutions across the nation depend on IMLS and LSTA grants to provide additional financial support for programs, library materials, and technology. Our library depends on these funds to boost our local budget. We are asking that you contact your elected officials and let them know how you feel about this. Click the links below.

https://roby.house.gov/contact-me (Rep. Martha Roby)

https://www.shelby.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/emailsenatorshelby (Sen. Richard Shelby)

Proposed Federal Budget and Library Funding

The proposed federal budget will completely cut funding for The Institute of Museum and Library Service (IMLS) and its grant program, The Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). Public libraries, school libraries, and cultural institutions across the nation depend on IMLS and the LSTA grants to provide additional financial support for programs, library materials, and technology.
On the state level, the following services to Alabama public libraries will be cut or severely curtailed:

Homework Alabama
Learning Express
Services to the blind and Physically Impaired
Ancestry.com Library Edition
Chilton Auto Repair Online Manuals
Statewide Summer Reading Program
Technical Support to Public Libraries.
Please take the time to write or call your United States Representatives. We’ve provided her contact information below. Every call, fax, e-mail, or handwritten letter counts!

The Honorable Representative Martha Roby  

Washington, D.C. Office:
442 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0102
Phone: 202-225-2901
Fax: (202) 225-8913

Dothan Office:
217 Graceland Drive, Suite 5
Dothan, AL 36305
Phone: 334-794-9680
Fax: (334) 671-1480
Montgomery Office:
401 Adams Avenue, Suite 160
Montgomery, AL 36104
Phone: 334-277-9113
Fax: (334) 277-8534
Andalusia Office:
505 East Three Notch Street, #322
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-428-1129
Fax: (334) 222-3342

We are more than just books.

When was the last time you visited your library? Why don’t you come in and see what we have other than books?

Operating Hours

9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm
10:00 am -6:00 pm
9:00 am -5:00 pm

Computers shut down 20 minutes before closing.

Library Board Trustees

Catherine Killebrew (Chair)
Maribeth Bedsole
Willadean Hall
Gayle Thomas
Lindsay Rane Carter